最好的我们 The best of us

30th May 2016  /  life upon life

其实一开始我没有想过我会参加这个活动的。后来,我们班有一个组的组员临时有事,我就代替他去参加了。第一次参加这种活动,心里还是有些紧张的,但我充满着期待。我的组员们看见是我来顶替参与的,都开玩笑说,哎呀,你来了我们组要拿不了第一啦。我当时就在心里想,我其实还是蛮厉害的。当时小组里分工协作,我是负责和其他两个组员制作塔模型,从设计到实际制作,我们配合的可以说是非常好的,有什么问题会停下来商量,没有什么争执,不断提出意见,又不断修改。我觉得这就是团队之间应该有的一种关系。塔是会越搭越高的,我们的默契也会越来越好。我们制作的塔不一定最高,也不一定最好,但那出自最好的我们,我眼里最棒的团队。我们应该充满自信,相信自己所拥有的一切,相信自己身边的人,因为我是最好的自己,不在乎别人流言蜚语,而我们是最好的我们,拥有整片澄澈的天空。彼此,应无限欢喜。Actually I didn't want to take part in the activity at first, but later one of our teammates didn't have time to go, so I replaced him.It's my first time to participate in the activity and i was a bit nervous, but I was full of expect. My teammates joked we wouldn't get No.1 if you replace him. I thought i am good actually at that time.We divided the work, I and other teammates were responsibility to build a bridge. From design to build, we cooperated very well. We would stop and discuss if there were any problems, no quarrels, continued to bring up an opinion and modify. I thought it was a relationship a team should be. A bridge will be higher and higher and our agreement will better and better. Our bridge may be not the best or the highest, but it was made by the best of us-the most wonderful team.We should be confident, believe all of what we have and people around us. Because i was the best and don't care about others' scandal. We are the best of us and we have the whole blue sky.冯典Dian Feng