The Happiness of Practice 实践的快乐 

30th May 2016  /  life upon life, significant story

Time flies, Maths Challenge will be end. We seldom practice since we are young. Our team finally made it by hand in first Math Challenge. We were happy even though it was not suit the requirement. I believe I will be more positive and not afraid in the future after I have the experience.

Jin Yang

时光飞逝,Maths Challenge也即将接近尾声,从小时起,我们就很少去实践,Maths Challenge第一次活动时,我们小组终于自己亲自动手了一把,虽然不符合要求,但也依旧开心。有了这几次实践经验,我相信我在未来会更加积极向上,不再畏畏缩缩。
