妈妈 Mother

1st December 2015  /  life upon life

我上初中时,那天下着大雨,我经过一星期的住宿终于可以回家了,天已经快黑了,我理东西比平时慢了点,赶快走到校门口。我如往常般在人群中寻找着妈妈的脸,果然,她又是站在前排中的一个。妈妈也看到了我,朝我笑了笑,就走上前抢着帮我拿书包,还有各种东西,我注意到她的脸被风吹的发红,还在搓手。我问:“你是不是站了很久?”“没有,也就一会儿。”妈妈朝我笑了笑。起初我也没在意,直到爸爸跟妈妈说:“我让你迟点下车,她还要理会东西的,看你冷的。”妈妈说:“人多,我不是怕她找很久吗?再说今天天又冷,她吹了风万一感冒怎么办?”我默默地低下了头,我想妈妈是怕我担心,所以才说站的时间不久的。或许,这就是母爱吧。殷媛When I was a junior a school student. That was a day when I was able to go home after a week’s lodging in school. The sky was getting darker since I took more time to pack up than usual. And it was raining hardly. So I walked faster to the school gate, looking for my mother in the crowd. As expected, she stood there in the first row waiting foe me. On seeing me , she smiled and walked up to me, helping take my school bag and other stuff. But I noticed that her face turned red in the cold wind, with her hands rubbing continuously. I asked her : “ Have you been standing here for a long time?”  “nope, just a while.” she smiled at me. And not until I heard what my father said did I pay much attention to it. He said to my mom: “ I have told you not to go off too early, she must be packing up. You deserve to be cold.” Mom replied: “ there are too many people, I am afraid that she can’t find me. What if she caught a cold in a weather like this?” Hearing this, I lowered my head, feeling deeply moved. My mom refused to admit that she had been standing for a long time in case of me worrying about her. Maybe that is called mother’s love.Yuan Yin