
15th June 2016  /  life upon life

深秋的那一天,我印象深刻;早春的这一天,同样令我难以忘怀。自从上次南京国际学校的客人们来访过后,便听说了会有回访的机会,只是未曾想过,这样的机会会来得这样突然,霎那间为新的学期添上了浓墨重彩的一笔。等待的时间那样漫长,还好没有长到失去等待的意义。盼了一个星期,终于踏上了这场奇异的旅程。天气虽不晴朗,却在平静中透出丝丝的不寻常,心情无疑是兴奋的,再瞧瞧同去的同学们,也都是一般笑靥如花。终于到了南京国际学校,校门外车水马龙热闹喧哗,校门内则是另一番景象。虽也是人流如织,但青青的草色配上淡黄色古色古香的建筑,多了几丝静谧,而来往人们的外国面庞,无异是与景色的一大碰撞,却也别有韵味。上次见过面的Sue在门口热情地迎接我们,顿时多了几分亲切。她带领我们进了活动的场馆,这是本次回访的重头戏。场馆内人很多,气氛火热。一间一间的小隔间环布馆内四周,代表了一个又一个的国家。每个“国家”的装饰都极具民族特色,各自门前又摆满了代表自己国家的食物、标志性纪念品,每个“国家”的主人们都身穿各自传统的服饰在热情地接待来往的客人,介绍他们的习俗、食品和独特的游戏。我们被琳琅满目的“国家”吸引,迫不及待地要开始“环游世界”。穿梭在各个“国家”之间,各国语言在耳边变幻,糅合成动听的旋律;品尝着各国的美食,各种各样的食物看得我眼花缭乱,无从取舍;欣赏体验着各国的文化,来自各国的学生、老师、甚至家长都热情地展示着各自国家的风情。随着“国家”印章一个个集满,记忆也一个个被定格:充满异域气氛的场馆,带着迷人微笑的金发碧眼的外国朋友们,激情洋溢的韩国击鼓表演……当然,最令我兴奋的还是遇到了老朋友Ken,我们与Ken交流了很多关于学校的看法,他们学校轻松自主的学习和生活方式实在令我羡慕不已。离开Party的热闹氛围,我们又参观了校园。这样的学校,虽然不是很大,却将一草一木甚至每一寸土地都发挥得恰到好处,这是一座精致的校园。干净、整洁是我最深刻的印象。学校已经成立多年,可任何东西看起来都像是新的一样,这让斑斓的校园展现出迷人的光芒。如何让一所偌大的校园处处保持整洁美观,这的确是需要我们反思并学习的。我想,爱护的心理,文明的行为,良好的习惯,只要我们做到这些,也必将能为我们自己创设出一样美丽的学习和生活环境!一天的回访在不知不觉中结束了,流连之余,更是感恩,有幸得到了大多数学生都不会有的宝贵经历,就必当珍惜、珍藏、学习、进取!Since I heard about the chance to visit Nanjing International School, I have expected the day to come for a long time. I believed that it would be a special part of the new term.The day when we went there finally came . Though the weather is not fine enough, I saw smile on everyone’s face , and maybe it could match , the sun . In a word, we were all excited and were looking forward to the amazing trip.When I arrived at Nanjing International school ,I found that green grass and light-yellow wall made the school quiet , which is different from the noisy atmosphere outside the school .sue, who we met last time ,took us to the place where the National Day party held. I saw different booths named after different countries.I almost couldn’t wait to begin to travel around the world.Playing among different  ‘countries’ ,listening to different languages, I felt amazed. Tasting traditional food, I regretted having eaten so much at lunch that I couldn’t eat as much as I wanted. Enjoying different cultures, I was moved by the enthusiastic students , teachers and parents from all over the world. Many unforgettable and unbelievable experience were kept in my mind. It was when I met my  ‘Old friend ’ ken that made me feel most excited .We talked about the school life, both in my school and in his school . The freedom and relief in this school attracted us and we all wanted to be as happy as their students.We were shown around the school after the party. I was surprised by their tidy environment. Maybe this is one thing that makes the school attractive. We required to study from the school and their students. 熊楚煜Xiong ChuyuVennyMarch 10th ,2015