一瓶热水 A bottle of hot water

1st December 2015  /  life upon life

一个雨天的下午,那天是期中考试的第二天,由于晚上着凉肚子很不舒服,考完试没吃晚饭直接回到宿舍,躺在床上,感觉有些发烧,一整天的考试让我筋疲力尽,舍友陆续回来,很关切的问我怎么了,只有一个人没有问我。他静静地去向放水瓶的角落,拎起了一个水瓶走了出去,过了一会儿,他回来了,衣服有些湿,显然外面下雨了,眼镜上蒙着一层水雾,放下水瓶,擦擦眼镜掀开该在我头上的被子。“舍长,我帮你打了瓶水,你要不要喝,我给你倒。”当时全身都温暖了许多,狭小的宿舍里掺杂着潮湿的水汽,闷热的空气,还有他暖暖的关切,他就是高一七班——魏进宝。在这里,对他说一声“谢谢!”。梅健星It was a rainy afternoon, the second day of mid-term examination. I got an upset stomach since I caught a cold last night. So I went straightly back to my dormitory without supper after the exam. Lying in bed, I felt myself having a fever. A whole day’s exam had made me exhausted. When my roommates came back one by one, they all asked me with cares expect one. He went dumbly to the corner where we placed our bottles and carried one out. After a while, he returned, with his clothes wet and glasses covered with water mist. He put down the bottle and polished his glasses, then walked to me, lifting the quilt covering my head. “ Your Majesty, I have already fetched hot water for you, it will be my pleasure to pour it for you if you’d like it. “ he said. Hearing the words, I felt warm instantly. The small dormitory was mixed with moist vapor, muggy air and his warm cares. He, who is in class seven, grade ten, is Jinbao Wei. And here, I want to say “thank you” to him.Jianxing Mei