爱的故事Love story

22nd April 2016  /  life upon life

爱是无处不在的,这是一个充满了温情的世界。这是一个发生在我身边的真实的事。我家的邻居是一位退了休的幼儿园教师,她在自己家中开了一家私人的幼儿园。那天那位奶奶来我家中与妈妈聊天,我才知道这件事。由于不知道那位女生的名字,我用她来称呼她。她家是安徽的,生了五个孩子,却没有一个男孩子。由于生的孩子太多,她的家中不能支持所有的孩子上学。她是97年出生的,学习上十分用功,当年的中考她完全可以去上一中。但由于还有几个妹妹要上学,她甘愿放弃了去一中的机会。后来她帮助爸爸妈妈在小区里面卖蔬菜,由于离我家很近,妈妈经常去那儿买菜。我去见过她。最震撼我的是她的手,十几岁的少女,手却那么粗糙,指甲壳里也都是泥土,当时我就特别同情她。后来还有一次在上学的时候,我看到她在送妹妹上学,送妹妹上学的车子是他们进蔬菜用的三轮车。她踩这车子的时候,一路上都在嘎吱响。我一直目送着他们,眼中只看到了满满的爱。。。。。。徐静怡Love exists everywhere in life. This is a world full of love.This is a true story happened to me.My neighbor is a retired kindergarten teacher. She built a private kindergarten at her home. I knew the story when she chatted with my mom at my home that day. I called the character of the story her, because I didn’t know her name. She came from Anhui province, and they had five girls at her home. Their parents had too many children to not afford all of them to go to school. She was born in 1997. She studied hard and she had chance to go to middle school one after the high school entrance exam. But she gave up, she had some younger sister who needed to go to school.After that, she helped her parents sell vegetables in the neighborhood. The place is nearby my house. My mom often went to buy vegetables and I saw her. The most sticking to me was her hands. Her hands were rough and dirty, but she was so young. I felt pity for her. One time, I met her sent her younger sister to go to school by trick which they used to transport vegetables. There was sound of the trick when she rode it.I stared at them and I saw full of love.Jingyi Xu