
23rd April 2016  /  life upon life

一天,警官正在散步,他遇见了上星期逮捕的罪犯马克,马克的出现让警官很不安,他下意识地去摸枪,但他今天休息,没有带出来。马克说:"警官请你让我摔一跤好吗."警官以为他要报复自己,马克说,他上次被逮捕时儿子看见了一切,儿子问他:”爸爸你为什么被那个人打到。."马可为了不让儿子伤心,请警官被他摔一跤。警官没说什么,只是打了马克一拳。马克心领神会,不一会就把警官摔了一跤,然后以一个胜利者的姿态告诉孩子,他是一个英雄。警官悄悄走了,他想:我可以逮捕一个法律上的罪犯,却不能毁灭一个孩子心中爸爸。这是一个爱的故事。方泽旭One day a policeman was walking when he met criminal Mark who was arrested by him last week. The policeman was nervous and he wanted to catch his gun naturally, but he didn’t bring it because he had a break that day. Mark said” sir, can you allow me to wrestle you down?” The policeman thought Mark wanted to revenge, but Mark explained his son saw he was arrested and asked” why do you give a punch by that man?” He asked the policeman to wrestle down by him in order to break his son’s heart. The policeman didn’t say anything and gave a punch to him, Mark understood and wrestled him down. After he did that, he told his son he was a hero. The policeman walked away quietly and thought” I can arrest a criminal in law, but I can’t ruin a dad in the heart of a child.This is a love story.Zexu Fang