爱是什么What’s love

23rd April 2016  /  life upon life

爱是世界上最坚固的金属,高温下不融化,冰冻不脆裂。造一架爱的航天飞机,你就可以架着它,遨游九天。爱是比天空比海洋更博大的宇宙,在那个独特的穹宇中,有着亿万颗爱的星斗,闪烁光芒。一粒小行星划下,就是爱的雨丝,坠起满天清光。爱是神奇的化学试剂,能让苦难变得香甜,能让一分钟永驻成为永远。再生和死之间,是孤独的人生路程。巫津铭Love is the most hard metal, it will not melt in high temperature and not brittle in freeze. To build an airplane of love, you can roam all around the world by it.Love is bigger universe than heaven and ocean. There are billions of stars of love twinkling in the special space. An asteroid sweeps is the rain of love, which drops full lights.Love is miracle chemical reagent, which can turn suffering to happiness, and can make a minute to be forever.Jinming Qiu