动物与人性Animal and humanity

23rd April 2016  /  life upon life

动物与人性这是一个真实的故事,当我看到时,我曾被深深打动。日本有一位孤独的老先生,只有一条狗陪伴他。这条狗在很小的时候就和他开始生活,到现在已经有十多年了。在这十多年中,这条狗和这位老先生一起游玩了大半个日本,并且两次在老先生受到危险时救了他的生命,而现在,这条狗得了重病,已经病入膏肓了。它躺在床上,一直看着它的主人。老人觉得它似乎有话要说,就托人找了一位懂狗语的学者到他家来,翻译出它想说的话。那位学者来到狗的身边,给它和自己戴上专用的耳机,一会,人们看见这位学者竟泣不成声。那条狗说:“老朋友,我知道我快要走了,但我现在很担心你。我知道你年纪也越来越大,记性也越来越不好。你出门的时候不要忘带钥匙,睡觉前记得要锁门。你也要多走出家门,即使没有我,你也要快乐的活下去。我想说的话太多,但来不及了,我希望你不要悲伤,你要坚强。”所有人为之动容。动物对人如此,二人对人却没有多少这样的真情,我们何时才能这样?辛翰阳This is a true story, and I was deeply touched by it.It tells about a old lonely Japanese man, who was accompanied by only a dog. The dog had been living with him for a decade or more since it was a puppy. They had traveled more than half of Japan together over the years, and the dog had saved the old man in danger twice. However, it became serious ill and was beyond recovery now. The dog lay in bed, kept staring at his owner. And the old man felt it seemed to have something to say, whereupon he sent for a dog translator to help.The translator came forward and put on special headphones for both him and the dog. And soon, he began to weep a lot.The dog said: “ my old friend, I know I am dying now. But I am worried about you, I know that you are aged and have a terrible memory, please do remember to take your keys when going out and don’t forget locking the door before sleeping. Also you should take a walk outside more often, even though I can not accompany you any longer, you must live a happy life. There are too much to say, sadly my time is running out. But please don’t be grieved, be strong.” Everyone at present was moved greatly.Animal treat human like this while human treat themselves with less sincerity. How and when can we act like them?Hanyang Xin