挫折——强者的必经之路Setbacks—the only way to strong

23rd April 2016  /  life upon life

“我选择了希望。我的人生能够走到现在绝不是光凭自己的力量。能够强忍绝望以及常人无法承担的悲伤,全都是因为我的人生不仅仅是属于自己。现在,我的人生正开启另一条命运路程,我不会逃避。无论任何事情,我都会坦然接受并想办法克服。因为上天给我的使命,正是创造新的希望。”——朴槿惠刚刚读完朴槿惠的自传,感触很深,一个总统与我们这些普通人人格的闪光点就是在于某些独特的品质。经历母亲遇刺、父亲遇刺双重变故,她的生活发生巨大变化。那些原本支持她父亲朴正熙的人们开始改口,他们开始抨击她的父亲,她和弟妹只好黯然离开青瓦台。她曾决心离开政坛,但人们的鼓励给她信心。1997年,韩国陷入经济萧条,朴槿惠加入了大国家党,她以原则和信念立身,带领着大国家党踏上了破除陈年积弊、夺取国会议席的征程。她为了拉选票,每天要走到很远很偏僻的地方,对着田间里的人们喊着口号。甚至一次拉选票时,她曾被人刺杀,伤口长达十一厘米,差五毫米就会割到颈动脉。幸好,她撑了下来。只有在绝望中,才能找到希望。朴槿惠就是在一次次的绝望中找到希望。比起她所经历的大风大浪,我们所遇到的“挫折”微不足道。诚然,我们也应像她一样,乐观向上。从朴槿惠身上,我学会了坚强,学会了淡然,学会了要勇敢地去面对一切困难。逃避不是最好的方法,面对才是最好的方法。要知道,路越艰难,风景越美,无论如何,感谢经历!美好的风景就在那不遥远的地方。怕什么真理无穷,进一步有一寸的欢喜。邱晨迪“I choose hope. My life would never have come to a stage today on my own strength. The reason why I am able to endure despair and grief that ordinary people can’t afford is all that my life doesn’t belong to me alone. And now, I am starting out a new journey of my life, which is destined and I will not escape. No matter what it is, I will accept it and try to conquer it, because my mission is to create new hopes.” —Park Geun-hyeI am greatly touched by the autobiography of Park Geun-hye. One thing that differs the president from us is her unique qualities.Having gone through the assassination of her parents, her life was changing a lot since then. The people who had been in favor of her father Park Chung-hee betrayed him and began to denounce him. As a consequence, she and her siblings left the Blue House in grief. She had once attempted to give up on politics, but the encouragement from civilians added to her confidence. It was in 1977, Korea was facing its economic depression, and Park Geun-hye joined Grand National Party. With principle and belief in heart, she led the party into a journey to solve left-over problems and to strive for congressional seats. In order to canvass for the party, she would walk a long way to remote areas every day to shout slogans to people working in the fields. And she was even once being assassinated during canvass, the wound on her neck was 11 centimeters long, nearly 5 millimeters away from carotid artery. Fortunately she survived.Only in despair can we find hope, which is perfectly explained by Park Guen-hye. Compared to what she had been through, the setbacks we are confronted with in life seem to be nothing. But honestly, we should be as positive and optimistic as she always is. From Park Geun-hye, I learn to be strong, to be indifferent, and to fight back all the setbacks. Escaping is never a best choice while facing is.We should know that the tougher the road is, the more beautiful the scenery will be. Whatever it is, please appreciate your experience! The beautiful scenery is not far away, as long as you keep on going forward!Chendi Qiu