爱的故事 The story of love

1st December 2015  /  life upon life

我从小一直被惯着长大,没有离开过家,没在校寄宿过,没感到过委屈,爸爸妈妈永远把我照顾的好好的。也因此我适应能力特别差,无法习惯独立的生活。从高中开学开始算起,一个月之后我还是像开学那样的状态:我还是每天不说话,每天来不及吃饭,上课会走神会发呆,成绩永远近乎竖直下降。每天晚上会花很多时间打电话回家,跟爸妈谈心,然后说着说着就会哭。我知道他们有多担心我。那个星期天,他们中午来送饭,12点爸爸把我送到教学楼下,然后挥挥手跟我说再见。我上楼,没走几步,我心里很难过,于是回头看他,发现他已经离我远了不少。我又转身往楼上走,回到教室发呆。后来下午放学,我奔向宿舍,突然听见有人叫我,那么熟悉的声音。然后我看到爸爸。我瞬间特别高兴地朝他走过去,然后我们去食堂吃饭。我买了两碗面,我们就很开心地吃饭啊。我想想还是问爸爸,我说你怎么晚上会来,他说“今天中午我看到你回头望我,感觉你过得挺郁闷的,就来看看你,怕你晚饭又不吃。”当时我心里说不出的滋味,根本无法形容,我以为他没有看到,爸爸离我很远,我根本不知道他是怎么看到的。那时我只是想回头看看他,看看他离我远去,不是希望他看到我回头望他。我家离学校真的很远,爸爸骑车来最少最少40分钟。我其实不想让爸妈太担心的,爸爸他原来比我想象地还要关心我。那天下午学校正好办了“爱的故事”这个活动,我刚好听完了讲座。徐菲扬I am a spoiled girl. I have never left my home , never lodged at school and never felt wronged. My parents have always been taking good care of me so that I can’t adapt to the new surroundings well and can hardly be accustomed to independent living. For a month since the start of senior high school , I had been like a walking dead. Each day I didn’t say a word, and I couldn’t catch time to have my meals. Moreover I was absent-minded in class and my test scores seemed to declined all the time. Every night I would take much time to call back home for my parents and most of time I would weep while saying a lot. I knew how they concerned about me. At a Saturday noon, they came to deliver lunch for me. In front of the teach building ,dad waved his hand and said goodbye to me. Going up stairs, I couldn’t help looking back, only to find my dad away from me, feeling depressed. Back to classroom, I stared into blank again. That day after all the classes were over, I ran towards my dormitory. Suddenly I heard a familiar voice calling my name, it was dad! Quickly I ran to him and then we went to the dining hall for supper. I ordered two bowls of noodles and enjoyed it together with my dad. Being curious, I asked dad why he came back again in afternoon. He replied : “ I saw you look back at me at noon. Kind of distressed I thought you are. So I came back again to check it out in case you don’t enjoy your supper.” A feeling that could hardly be described surged into my heart. I couldn’t figure it out how my dad had made it . I just wanted to see him off at that time and never imagined being seen by him. In fact, it was a really long distance between my home and the school. And it would take dad more than 40 minutes to ride, but all of this had became a piece of cake in the name of love. My dad cared me more than I had thought.Feiyang Xu