朋友 Friends

1st December 2015  /  life upon life

前一段时间,在学校里玩的时候,因为没有看到台阶,我从楼梯上滚了下来,把脚扭到了。后来又在下楼的时候,又扭了两次。脚肿的特别厉害,又青又紫,鞋子都很难穿得上,活动也很不方便,下楼梯也要跳着走,自己觉得又好笑又心酸。我的好朋友也是室友小Q,每天陪我一起慢慢地走。她每天陪我一起慢慢的走到食堂,排很长时间再吃饭;下楼上楼的时候,也会提醒我注意脚下;陪我去医务室看医生,帮我向老师请假;我来回走不方便,她还帮我洗衣服;每天宿舍都会有很难闻的药味,室友们也不会说什么,顶多调侃两句。现在我的脚好的差不多了,真的很谢谢她,虽然我们才认识了几个月,但是真的很要好,我会一直珍惜这个朋友的,在她需要我的时候,我也会毫不犹豫的去帮她的。蒋星宇Some time ago,when I was playing around in school , I fell over and rolled down the stairs and twisted my feet as a result of not noticing the footstep. And the tragedy was that I got my feet twisted twice again when going down stairs. In the end, my feet were badly swollen and turning blue or purple. It was difficult for me to put on shoes, let alone hanging around. And it must be funny to others but suffering to myself that I could only go up or down stairs by jumping.Xiao Q is one of my roommate as well as a friend, who would walked slowly with me every day. She slowly walked to the dining hall together with me and had to wait in a long line; She reminded me of steps when there is stairs;She accompanied me to see the doctor and asked for a leave for me;She even had my clothing washed since I was inconvenient. Everyday our dormitory was filled with unpleasant scents of drugs, but none of my roommate had complained about it, instead were some jokes only.Now my feet are nearly recovered. And I do appreciate her. Although we have only met for a few months, we become the best friends. I will forever cherish our friendship and try everything I can do to help her without hesitation whenever she needs me.Xingyu Jiang