扶不扶 Help or not

2nd December 2015  /  life upon life

曾经有幸真实面对了一次“扶不扶”的艰难抉择。那是在去年夏天,我和爸爸上街买东西,天气十分闷热。走过一个拐角,忽然看到前方围着一大群人,本着凑热闹的心,我和爸爸走上前去。走到面前,发现没有想象中的热闹,大家都在窃窃私语,我愈发好奇,穿过层层人墙,挤到前面,这才看见被围在人群中的,是一位老人。老人头发已经接近全白,年纪已经很大了,身旁倒着一根拐杖,想必腿脚也不太好。“走!走!走!别多管闲事!现在外面骗子多着呢!”原来是爸爸挤到前面看到了,他拉着我的手催促着我赶快离开。正要走,人群中突然走出一位二十多岁的年轻人,他径直走向老人,把侧躺的老人轻轻翻身转为平躺,然后拿出手机拨打120,接着又做了一些急救措施。我被爸爸拉走了,没有看到结果,但是这件事仍然引发了我的思考,如果没有爸爸拉我走,我会不会扶起老人?我想了很久,真的很难抉择,一方面是良心的谴责,一方面是现实惨痛的教训,或许最后,我更偏向不扶把。同时这件事也让我感到欣慰,这个社会至少还有爱,有爱就有希望。项小龙I was once confronted with a hard choice: “help or not”?It was on a sweltering day last summer, my father and I went shopping. We walked passed a street corner and saw people gathering there. Being curious, we walked into the crowd to see what had happened. People were whispering something. Finally I pushed through a way to the front. An old man was lying on the ground, whose hair was almost complete white, and beside him was a walking stick. No wonder that he must have trouble with his legs. “Go,go,go.it’s none of your business. He must be an liar.” Dad took my hand and urged me to leave. Right at the moment when we were leaving, there was a young man coming up and he walked straight to the old man, gently turning him over to make him lie flat, afterwards the young man dialed 120 and did some first-aid measures.I had been dragged away by dad so was unable to see the result. But it still got me thinking that whether I would help or not if I were still there. It was indeed a hard choice considering the painful lessons that reality has taught us and the torment of conscience. Maybe I would have possibly chosen not to help. However, the experience makes me feel gratified since I have witnessed love in this society. And where there is love, there is hope.Xiaolong Xiang