爱,是需要传递的 Love needs to be passed down

2nd December 2015  /  life upon life

这,是一件发生在十月底的一件真实的故事。那天也是周六,学校放假,我同往常一样乘公交车回家,我坐在第一排最靠门的位置,很快,车上站满了人。一站停,上来一个老妇人,她的背已快和弯得头顶一般高,花白的头发被黑色的发箍箍得整齐,更显得白的刺眼。车子已经启动,整个车厢沉静了五秒,我知道他们和我一般在自身利益与道德之间徘徊。座,是肯定要让的。我站在座位旁,目光与原坐我旁边的一女生相触,她惊诧地看着我又羞愧地垂下眸子。她立即站起,将座位让给一个约莫五十多岁的妇女。 又是一站停,又上来一个老人,一男子主动上前让座。或许,是我的让座触动了他们,但看到这一幕,也不经鼻头酸酸的。爱,真的是可以互相传递的;道德,这的是可以互相感染的。也许,是他们教会了我些什么。爱,是需要传递的胡奕璇It was a true story happened at the end of October. The school closed early since it was Saturday. And I went on a bus as usual ,sitting in the first row of seats near the door. Soon the bus became really crowded. When it arrived at a stop, an old lady hardly climbed on, who had a huge humpback ,binding her gray hair neatly with a black hair clasp, which made the gray even more dazzling. Silence, lasting for five seconds as the bus started again. I knew that they were having a struggle against self-interests and morality just like me. Nevertheless, the seat must be offered to the one needs help and care. So I did it and stood beside the seat, and happened to have an eye contact with the girl who originally sat next to me. She looked at me in astonishment and then lowered her head with shame. As a result, she stood up immediately and offered her seat to a middle-aged woman. At another bus stop, there came an old man. On seeing this, a young man rose up from his seat without hesitation. Maybe it was my former behavior that had aroused them and motivated them to act like this. I felt deeply moved after seeing this scene. Love can truly be passed down and morality can indeed be transmitted. Perhaps it is because of them that I recognize that love needs to be passed down to others.Yixuan Hu