平凡的爱 Normal Love

2nd December 2015  /  life upon life

初三总复习时,时间就像流水,不断流逝,对于我们初三学子来说很不够用,加上复习任务又很繁重,老师经常拖课,我们自由分配的时间就被压缩的十分短暂,在这种快节奏的生活中,为了节约时间,我们经常是用小跑代替走路。印象最深的一次,那天下午的最后一节课,老师严重拖课,将近拖了20分钟。那天我们刚好需要洗澡,为了选择洗澡,我放弃了吃饭。当时的我早已饥肠辘辘,肚子在不停地宣告着他已经饿了。当我洗完澡回来,发现妈妈在宿舍,她问我有没有吃饭,我摇了摇头。她非常生气,责骂了我一通,我便冲了出去,回到教室,眼泪滑过脸庞,早已忘了肚子饿这回事。晚自习第一节课下课。外面早已是黑漆漆的一片,月亮也一爬上了树梢。老师喊我出去,我走出去一看,妈妈穿着厚厚的棉袄,两手拎着保温瓶,口中急促的吐出热腾腾的白气。她什么话也没有说,喊我进办公室,将菜一样一样拿出来。饭菜是热腾腾的,我心中涌出了一股暖流。不争气的眼泪再次涌出,我哭着吃完了饭。临走前,妈妈轻轻地帮我擦去了眼泪,轻声说道:“回去吧。”我目送着她离开。她的双手早已懂得红通通的,缓慢的迈开步伐,在沉寂的黑夜中离开……赵欣悦Time was very little and important when we were last year in middle school, especially there were many heavy tasks, and teachers loved to drag classes. We had to run instead of walking in order to save time. I deeply remembered the last class in a afternoon, the teacher dragged a class for nearly 20 minutes.I planned to take a bath, so I gave up my dinner. In fact, I was very hungry. I met my mother in my dormitory when I came back. She asked me whether I had dinner, I said shook my head, she was angry and scolded me. I rushed out and back to the classroom, I was too sad to forget I was hungry. The first class was over at night, outside was dark, moon also climbed up the tree. My teacher called me to go out. I found my mother wearing a thick and carring thermos when I went out. She did not say anything, just called me into the office and took out the food. The food was hot, my heart seemed a warm current flow. Tears gushed out again, I cried and finished the dinner. Mother gently helped me wipe away the tears before leaving, and said softly: "go back." I watched her leave. Her hands were already red, her steps were slow in the silence of the night...Xinyue Zhao