爱的故事Love story

22nd April 2016  /  life upon life

记得那次我因午练写得十分糟糕,被老师叫去办公室订正。不出意料的,果然老师周围已经围了一圈人。那时已快临近放学时分,但问问题的人还是络绎不绝。老师总是特别耐心的为你讲解,一遍一遍直至你听懂为止。语气中的关切和温柔总是让你很安心。所以,我们大多愿意问问题。在这种安详的氛围中时间不知不觉流逝。随着下课铃的打响,我的心也随之飞去。直至一个电话响起,才让老师想起她今天和别人有约,准备一起回家。但她看了看我们,带有歉意的说:我的学生还有一些问题没有解决,我可能会晚点回去,谢谢啊!当听到这番话,我突然为刚才急切想放学的想法而感到羞愧。孙文秀I made many mistakes that time, so I was claimed to correct in teachers’ office. There were many students around my teacher as expected. It was close to leave school, but there were many students who were asking questions.My teacher was always teacher them again and again, till they totally understood. Her voice is concerned and tender, so we like to ask questions. Time went by in warm atmosphere. My heart flied away when the bell rang. She reminded she promised to go home with others when her phone rang. But she looked at us and apologized” my students still have some questions need to ask, I may go home late. I am sorry, and thank you.” I was ashamed that I was urgent to leave school.Wenxiu Sun