微光The Shimmer

1st December 2015  /  life upon life

最初给我以温暖之感觉,是来自那一束不知名的微光那是一个夜晚,正要回家,匆忙之际不小心将钥匙掉进了花坛中,我苦苦的寻觅了很长时间,却因天黑而多次与之失之交臂。寒风中,不断颤栗的身躯和努力寻找的双手似乎要被这无尽的黑暗吞噬了,无人过问。无数的叹息得来的却只是更多的心慌和不安,困惑之际,一束微光穿透了黑夜,传到了我的眼中,照亮了花坛,同时,也照亮了我的迷惘。我猛地抬头,是一个陌生人!与他交流后才得知,他早就发现我似乎在寻找着什么,便用他的手机屏幕发出的微光帮助我。幸运的,借助光亮,我也终于找到了那颗被黑暗掩没的——“沧海遗珠”。因为那束不起眼的光亮,照亮了道路,照亮了黑暗,照亮了我们,也照亮了整个世界。那给我信心能够继续前行的这束光亮虽小,但折射出的力量却是无穷的。辛旺皓That the first give me a warm feeling is from a unnameable shimmer. It was a night, I was going home, accidentally the keys feel into the flower bed, I hard to searching for a long time, but because it was dark, I missed it eventually. Countless sigh just received more flustered and disturbed, when confused, a beam of shimmer pierce through the night, and spread into to my eyes. Not only it lit up the flower beds, but also illuminated my confusion. I suddenly looked up, that was a stranger. After communication with him, I knew that he had found that I seemed to be looking for something, he used his cell phone screen to send a glimmer of help me. Fortunately, with the help of the shimmer, I finally found ‘the unnoticed talent” that was covered by darkness. Although the light was so ordinary, it really lighted the way and the darkness, meanwhile even our and the whole world. The light that gives me confidence to move on was small, but the power of refraction was infinite.Wanghao Xin