外公,外婆 Grandpa and grandma

1st December 2015  /  life upon life

人生如茶道,第一泡苦涩;第二泡浓烈;第三泡香醇;第四泡厚重;第五泡清香。第五泡最清淡,却又最使人回味无穷。爱情如酒,经过时光的沉淀,才能创造出最为甘甜的佳酿。外公是个很倔强的汉子,且有着一颗柔软的心,这颗心被他那倔脾气和刚强的性格包裹得密不透风。外婆脸上时常带着笑,恰似一轮新月,雪白的牙齿仿佛在夜晚也能发出像皎洁的月光般的光泽。如此强硬的男人这么多年来被婆婆管的服服帖帖。青年时期,他们俩在十里八乡可是羡煞旁人的一对。那年大年夜,天空中飘着雪花,仿佛天空必定要给大地一套洁白的婚纱,以纪念千年的陪伴。吃晚饭时,外婆出去接我弟弟。我拦着外婆说让我去,外婆说我好不容易回家一趟不容易,还是好好吃饭吧。外公此时喝着酒,一言不发。外婆出门口过了一会儿,外公悄悄拿起外套走出家门,碰巧被我看见了,我问他去干吗,他说:“我出去吸根烟,在屋子里抽烟不方便。”并且吩咐我不要告诉婆婆,说罢,便走了出去。我心里以想到外公是想跟在外婆后面,这么大雪,外公心里但对外婆有些不放心。又过了一会儿,外婆带着弟弟回到家之后,看见外公不在饭桌上,便问我外公去哪里,我回答说出去抽烟了。外婆笑了笑,让我和她一起在门口等一会。果然,不出半分钟,外公走进了家门,外婆帮他掸去外套和头上的雪,并责怪他:“这么大年纪了,还抽老烟,不想多陪孙子一两年啦。”外公严肃起来说;“不用老婆子你管。”两人对视几秒,都笑了起来,外公拉起外婆的手,帮外婆头发上残留的雪花抚去,那动作的温柔实在不像是一个汉子所能表现出的。那是一切心有灵犀的象征,是最美的爱情。我后来向外婆问起这件事:外公是不是每次都会这样跟着你出门?每聊到这外婆脸上都会洋溢起幸福的微笑,回答道;“怀你妈的时候,走夜路跌了一跤,跌断了尾椎骨,幸好你妈没事,外公在医院急的跪在医生面前说一定要救她。那是你外公一辈子第一次给别人下跪,从那以后你外公就没有让我一个人走过夜路。”说罢,外婆还是笑的很甜很甜。商振东Life is just like the tea ceremony, the first infusion of tea is bitter, the second is strong, the third is mellow, the fourth is thick and the fifth gives off delicate fragrance, mild as it is , it leaves endless savour ever lasting around your tongue. Love is just like wine, needing days of precipitation, in order to create the most sweet wine. My grandpa is a stubborn man yet with a soft heart, which is fully covered by his firm appearance and somewhat a small rebellion streak. My grandma always wears a smile on her face, like a newly rising moon, with her white teeth shinning like moonlight. However, a tough man as my grandpa is , he has been obeying to my grandma for so many years. I guess they were kind of couple that being admired by others when they were at youth. It was a lunar new year’s eve, the white snow seemed to be designing a wedding dress for the ground, as if it was in honor of their thousands of years’ accompany. When it was around dinner time, my grandma intended to pick up my cousin, and I said I could do it instead. But she insist on going alone and persuade me to stay at home since seldom did I get time to visit her. Meanwhile my grandpa was drinking and sitting there saying nothing. But shortly after my grandma went outside, grandpa took his coat quietly and walked outside, which was seen by me occasionally. And I asked him where he was going, he replied: “I go out to smoke a cigarette, it is not proper smoking indoors.”After urging me not to tell grandma about this, he walked outdoors. I knew it was because of worrying about my grandma walking alone in a snowy weather. It was before long that grandma came back together with my cousin, finding my grandpa was missing. And she asked me where he went for, I told her he was going out for a cigarette. Grandma smiled on hearing this, and we waited at the door for my grandpa. Sure enough he appeared again in less than half a minute. My grandma helped brush the snow off his coat and head while blaming him: “Aren’t you willing to survive one or two more years to stay longer with your grandchildren? How dare you smoking again as an aged old man?” Grandpa answered seriously: “it is none of you aged old woman’s business.” After staring at each other for seconds, they both burst into laughter. And grandpa gently took my grandma’s hands as slowly brushing the snow off her head, which was completely unlike a tough man. It was indeed a symbol of tacit understanding in their minds and the most appealing love. Later on I asked grandma if my grandpa often acted like this when she was going out. She lifted her mouth and wore a sweet smile, and answered: “I once fell over and broke my bones when walking alone at night . And that was exact the time I was pregnant with your mom. Your grandpa then knee   led down before the doctors and begged them to save her. It was the first time that your grandpa had kneeled down before others in his life. And ever since then your grandpa wouldn’t allow me to walk alone at night anymore.” Grandma always smiled sweetly when talking about this.Zhendong Shang