买菜 Buying vegetables

2nd December 2015  /  life upon life

一大早,我和妈妈去菜场买菜。正值卖菜的高峰,整个菜场闹哄哄的。到处都是吆喝声,我和妈妈走到一个摊位上,突然,一个骑车的男子经过我们旁边的那个摊位。因为路窄,再加上人多他一不小心就撞翻了摊主的一个箩筐,当我们以为他会说声对不起,然后离开时,那个男子把车停在路边,然后一边说对不起,一边帮摊主收拾散落的物品。有许多撞坏的,他便准备自掏腰包,摊主见状,急忙挥手,连说“不用”“不用”,但最终还是拗不过,收下了钱。男子做完这些后,又说了几句对不起,才骑上车离开。那男子走后,摊主对我们说,刚才那种好人现在已经不多了,这地方太拥挤,不时会有人撞倒或碰倒装菜的筐子,但那些人一般都是说一声对不起,然后直接走人。像这样又赔礼又帮忙的,基本上看不到了。。。我听了后反思,我一起就是摊主说的那种说句对不起就直接走人的人,这会给摊主带来多大的麻烦啊!我便暗自发誓,以后一定要多帮助别人,我也希望能够因此带动更多的一起去帮助别人。傅饶My mom and I went to buy vegetables in an early morning. The whole market was noisy and there were shouts everywhere cause it was at peak time. Suddenly a man riding a bike passed us. Unfortunately he knocked over a basket filled with vegetables and fruits, because of the narrow passage and crowd. We thought he would have said a sorry and then left. But to our surprise, he went down from his bike, helping the stall owner pick up stuff scattering on the ground and kept saying sorry. Then he took out his wallet and insisted on paying for what had been damaged by him. No matter how the owner shook his head and refused, the man wouldn’t change his mind and apologized again before leaving. The owner told us later that occasions like this are common in this market, but the man like him who apologized as well as paying is scarce, usually they would just go without even a sorry.I was in reflection on hearing this. Probably I was one of the latter people, who would have caused much trouble to the stall owner. And it was at that time I swore in my heart to help more people in the future and I hope more and more people can be motivated to help others.Rao Fu