爷爷 Grandpa

2nd December 2015  /  life upon life

在小学的时候,我还住在爷爷奶奶家。一天的晚上,我因作业而睡得很晚,我躺在床上,渐渐入睡。可在这时,我忽然听到了开门声。我闭着的眼睛微张开来,透过门缝中透过的微光看向们那,只见一个瘦弱的身影走了进来,我知道这是爷爷。只见他慢慢走到我课桌前,轻轻打开台灯,在课桌上似乎再犯者几本本子,那似乎是我的家庭作业,我呆滞地看着他,只见他认真的泛着每一页,仔细的对照课本,在认真为我检查。看到着,我内心多了一点点激动一股暖流流入心间。就这样,我在不知不觉中看着爷爷的身影入睡了。杨旭恒I lived with my grandpa when I was in primary school. One night I went to bed late after finishing my homework. Lying in bed, I was about falling asleep, but suddenly heard the door open. In the dim light squeezing through the door, I saw a thin figure coming in, and I knew it was grandpa. He walked slowly to my desk sat down on the chair, gently turning on the table lamp, looking over the excise notebooks which seemed to be my homework. I stared at him quietly. He was examining the homework seriously, with his finger flipping over each page and referring to my books from time to time. Upon seeing this, a warm current flowed into my heart. Soon I fell asleep again unconsciously by looking grandpa’s figure.Xuheng Yang