灯光微黄,照亮回家的方向 Light up the way home

2nd December 2015  /  life upon life

如果说,人生是一个五味瓶,那么亲情就是最甜的一个;如果说人生是一幅画,那么亲情就是最绚丽的一笔。那是两年前的一个雨天,我还是一个一周回家一次的初中生。星期五,我拎着装满衣服的包站在学校门厅,眼,总是望向远方。不只是迫切想回家的心在作怪,亦或是心底深处对家的思念使然,一直着急的跺着脚,内心的烦躁已无法言说。天渐渐暗下,雨,越下越大,心,越来越重。灯光微黄,人影迷茫。迷离的夜已在不远处,陌生而又熟悉的学校,此刻竟让我有些害怕。我开始抱怨她的迟到,抱怨雨下的不合时宜,难得回家,天公却不作美,下的如此之大。雨水顺着屋檐流下,滴滴答答,风,静静的刮,转角灯光愈亮,校园里已人影稀疏,不久,便只剩下我一个人守着这门厅,传达室里灯光很亮,门卫爷爷的身影清晰可见。偌大的校园,雨中挺拔的树,随风纷飞的雨,还有苦苦等候家人的我。周围静的出奇,唯有雨的肆意,风的逍遥。眼神恍惚,一个熟悉的身影闯进了我的视线,由远及近,手上拿着未来得及撑开的雨伞,外套被雨水冲刷的平整,雨珠从脸颊滑落,迷眼,亦无暇擦拭。她,踩着灯光奔向我。我还未来得及开口抱怨,她已抢先开口。“对不起,妈妈来晚了。咱们回家吧。”话落,拎起我手中的包,为我撑开伞,我们一起回家。其实,爱真的很微妙。哪怕是一个细微的动作,一句一飘而过的话语,一个悄然流逝的眼神,都会触动人内心深处最真挚,最真实的爱。千万不要因为迟到了一会,几句口角上的争执,一些生活上的琐碎而伤害离你最近的人。我们把太多的真心,太多的耐心,太多的爱留给了那些看似很近实际很远的陌生人,把所有的抱怨,所有的不堪,所有的任性,统统撒在了爱我们的人身上。可他们呢?一直在爱,从未远离。莫待无花空折枝,莫待欲养亲不在,莫欺少年不懂爱,莫爱心中无爱人。刹那芳华,人生就这么短短几十年,别把爱留给不爱你的人。街角路灯微亮,照亮回家的方向。素手羹汤,明日我定让你们暖在心中,爱长存。爸妈,我爱你们!罗子欣If we say life is a weird bottle ,then family affection could be the sweetest one; If we say life is a painting, then family affection could be the most magnificent stroke. It was a rainy day two years ago, I was a junior high school student who went home once a week. On Friday, I was carrying a bag full of clothing standing in the school hallway,eyes looking to the distance . I did not know whether it was the eager to go home or the inner homesick that dictated me to kept    stomping, and my heart was growing irritable to some extent. It was getting darker, and raining harder meanwhile my heart was growing heavier. Yellowish light cast blurry shadows on the ground. The night was around the corner, and the familiar or to say unfamiliar school even made me scared at the right moment. I began to complained about her being late, about the inappropriate rain. Rarely did me go home, the God was unwilling to cooperate though. Rainwater flow down the roof, ticking, with wind blowing quietly. The light in the corner became brighter and there was nearly no one in the campus. Soon I was the only one left in the hallway. And the guard’s figure was clearly visible in the reception office. The huge campus , giant trees in the rain, and the swirling rain in the wind, as well as the lonely one who was waiting impatiently for the family, seemed to compose the whole world. It was surprising quiet around, the only thing that I can tell was the wanton rain and free wind. When I was about in a trance, suddenly a familiar figure broke into my line of sight, from far to near. Wearing a rain coat cling to the body closely, taking a folded umbrella in hand, she ran over to me through darkness, narrowing her eyes, completely ignoring the raindrop that kept falling down from her cheek. She apologized to me before I could say a word, “Sorry, mom had been late. Lets go home together."    In fact , love is subtle. Even a slight action, an inadvertent word and an eye contact by chance can touch the bottom of your heart. You shall never hurt the people closest to you because of small disputes or trifles in life. To some extent, we are treating those strangers who appear to be kind to you with much sincerity, patience and love, but in reverse imposing all of our complaint, blame and self-will on the people who truly love us. However, they have always been there for you ,never change. So please don't wait till the day they are gone and love back, it is late. Our life is short, do not offer love to people who don't love you at all. Yellowish as the street lights, it shows the way home. Love exists forever. I will try my best to repay you! I love you! Dad and mom.Zixin Luo