跟有趣的人在一起 Together With Interesting People

2nd December 2015  /  life upon life

前段时间,我在报刊文摘上看到一篇文章,文中记载了电影演员周迅说过的一句话“生命那么短,要跟有趣的人在一起”。后来又在一处看到著名作家王小波在小说里写到,一个母亲对女儿说,一辈子很长,要跟一个有趣的人在一起。不禁让我对“有趣的人”这个概念有了自己的理解。有趣的人,一定会对生活有一种不计回报的热情,一种乐观而自信的投入;一定会对困难有一种坦然面对的豁达,一种淡定从容的应对;一定会对家人和友人有一种特别的珍爱,真诚的关注。他不会妄自菲薄,不会怨天尤 人,他有自己完整的三观标准,有自己的处事风范,让你在与他接触时,感觉到温暖、阳光、舒适、快乐,自己的世界也会明亮起来。我出生于一个小山村,受到的基础教育非常有限,小学在一个庙宇改造的小学里上的,初中在一个石矿子弟学校就读,高中又是一个非常普通和一般的学校。直到凭借自己的努力,考入了省城的师范大学,人生才展开了崭新而鲜活的篇章。农村里重男轻女的陋习,孤陋寡闻的生活经历,都让我们进入大学后,有着一种天然的自卑。可是,我喜欢读书,有着一种喜欢挑战现状的性格,这让我处在主动、积极、活泼、进取的态势之中,无论面对怎样的困境,面对怎样的困难,我不会轻言放弃,不会轻易找借口逃避,而是想方设法去解决,一次又一次,这一路走来,也不知自己面对过多少的困扰,却是一路艰辛一路笑。工作后,我从一名普通的年轻教师走上学校管理岗位,从一所普通高中来到苏北贫困地区支教,从相对轻松舒适的培训岗位又都有着沉重教学压力的重点高中,我知道这一路走来,我之所以如此乐观,如此热爱生活,是我在每一个节点上,都能遇到一些我自认为是有趣的人,他们对生活的乐观,对工作的热忱,对亲友的关爱,对社会的责任和使命感,都让我深受感染和启迪,让我明白了,生活的乐趣,属于对自己、对家人、对社会有责任心的人,生活不易,且行且珍惜!庄红君Some time ago, I saw an article in the newspaper, recording a sentence by the actor Xun Zhou said "life is so short, to be together with interesting people". Later I saw a sentence in a place by the famous writer Xiaobo Wang wrote in a novel: "the mother says to her daughter, lifetime is very long, to be together with an interesting person." I can't help understanding this concept "interesting person" with my own understanding. Interesting people, will have a regardless of the return of passion for life, a optimistic and self-confident investment; will difficult to have a calm in the face of open-minded, a calm response to bound to family and friends have a special cherish sincere concern. He will not sell ourselves short, don't complain, he has complete Sanguan standards, have their own style of doing things, let you in contact with him and feel warmth, sunshine and comfortable, happy, their world will also lit up. I was born in a small village by the basic education is very limited, primary in a temple reconstruction of primary school, junior high school enrolled in a quarry school children. High school is a very common and general school. Only by virtue of their own efforts, was admitted to the Provincial Normal University, launched a new and fresh life chapter. In the countryside patriarchal habits, ignorance of life experience, let us after entering the University, with a kind of natural inferiority. But, I like reading, with a like to challenge the status quo of the character, this let me in an active, positive, active and aggressive posture, face no matter what kind of difficulties, in the face of difficulties, I will not give up easily, will not easily find an excuse to escape, but to try every means to solve, again and again, the road came, don't know oneself faced many problems, is a hard all the way all the way to laugh. After work, I learned from an ordinary young teacher on school management positions, from an ordinary high school to teach in poor areas of Jiangsu Province, the focus of high school from the relatively comfortable training posts and have a heavy pressure of teaching, I know the way, I was so optimistic, so is my love life. At each node, can meet some I think is interesting, they are optimistic about life, enthusiasm for the work, care for family and friends, social responsibility and sense of mission, let me deeply touched me and inspiration, let me understand, the pleasures of life, which belongs to ourselves, to the family, have the responsibility to the society, life is not easy, and cherish!Hongjun Zhuang