
23rd April 2016  /  life upon life

我的童年记忆是在一个美丽淳朴的农村,像大多数农村留守儿童一样,我的父母常年在外地打工,是我是跟着外婆一起长大的。外婆因为要同时拉扯我和表哥,所以显得非常憔悴,但老人家却给了我纯白色的回忆。让我记忆犹新的是,上小学时,每天都是校车接送。校车来得非常早,但无论多早,总有一盆热水和毛巾让我打起一天的精神。还记得有一次,因为起迟了,来不及吃饭就跑到了车站,外婆因为担心我饿肚子,也端了一碗赤豆粥陪同我一起去。当时是6点多,已经进入深秋,老人的花白长发被风吹的乱糟糟的,我还记得外婆眼皮低垂着,时不时就合上,我还看到了她不时缩着脖子。但她慈祥的目光却没有削减,直到看着我吃完才离开。如今远离外婆许久了,但我任然思念这位淳朴的老人和她的目光。邓清源My childhood was spent at a beautiful and honest country, just like many stay-at-home children, my parents worked outside for many years, and I lived with my grandma. Grandma looked after my cousin and me at the same time, so she looked haggard, but she gave me warm memory.I can clearly remember school bus would get me up every day when I was primary school. The school bus arrived so early, there was hot water and towel for me no matter how early. One day, I got up late, and I didn’t have time to have breakfast before I run to the bus station. Grandma went with me taking a bow of bean gruel in case I was hungry.It was 6 am in autumn. Her grey hair was blown in a mess by the wind, and her eyes hanged down, sometimes closed. I also saw her shrank her neck. But her kindly eyes didn’t loss. She left until I ate up.Now I live far away from grandma, but I miss the honest woman and her kindly eye sight.Qingyuan Deng