爱的故事The story of love

23rd April 2016  /  life upon life

江南如画,水云环绕,我一直觉得奶奶是从那无边荷叶中走出的莲女子。当然我是不曾见过年轻时灵秀的奶奶的,但丛依旧袅袅的身态,沧桑留下的烙印却掩盖不了那依旧雅淡的眉目,我相信奶奶会是从江南水气中走出来的清雅女子,带着青涩的荷香。奶奶一直承认自己不是读书的料,心灵手巧的奶奶能绣的一手好花,却搞不懂那一串串的之呼者也,饭后,我和奶奶坐在外面晒太阳,爷爷拿出一本诗集像往常一样坐在奶奶身边,一切准备就绪,爷爷就用只有奶奶能听的到的声音,小声读着诗。大概只有十分钟吧,奶奶竟坐在爷爷身边睡着了,爷爷摇醒奶奶佯装生气道:“才多大会,就睡着了,没诚心。”奶奶却像个孩子一样狡辩:“谁说我睡着了,我就没睡!”爷爷无奈的摇摇头,又接着读了起来,没过一会儿,奶奶再次睡着了,并且把头靠在了爷爷的肩膀上。这一次我真的是忍不住了,想放声大笑。爷爷马上用眼神示意我不许出声。爷爷也没有叫醒奶奶,他还在用着有几分沙哑的声音继续为奶奶读书。我不记得爷爷都读了些什么,只记得那天的阳光真的很好,暖暖的很舒服,洒在爷爷奶奶身上,闭上眼睛能感觉到阳光在他们身上晕染的光圈,柔软而动人。其实用现代意义的爱情字眼很难理解爷爷奶奶那个年代的事,现代爱情故事的浪漫套路在现实中是不存在的,父母之命,媒妁之言是那个时代婚姻的所有概括。在媒人的牵桥搭线下,17岁的奶奶嫁给了27岁的爷爷。实在是很难用现代的爱情两字来描述,从我记事起爷爷奶奶永远都是那样--平淡,就好象他们就从来都没年轻过。可能这也是婚姻的全部,一切的海誓山盟,跌宕起伏都会随着婚姻而归于平静,一切的所谓爱情都会随着时间变为一种亲情,相嚅以沫是他们所有的感情生活的概括。17岁的奶奶耍着小孩脾气嫁给了27岁的爷爷,磕磕碰碰时爷爷小心翼翼的让着倔强的奶奶,当我打着这些字的时候,远远的,在落日的余晖中,爷爷奶奶依旧相伴坐着,饶着家常,夕阳下的两张笑脸竟透着阳光般的灿烂。不知怎么的,我的眼睛竟有些湿润,想起一首歌:我能想到的最浪漫的事就是和你慢慢变老,直到我们老得哪儿也去不了你还依然把我当成手心里的宝……徐静逸I always think my grandma is the lotus from the endless lotus leaves, although I didn’t see how she looks like when she is young. My grandmother thinks she is not good at studying, but she is good at embroidering even though she doesn’t understand ancient proses.After meal, grandma and I sat outside under sunshine, grandpa sat beside grandma to read poems in light voice only be heard by grandma. Grandma was asleep about 10 minutes later leaned on grandpa. Grandpa waked her up and pretended to be angry to say” you are asleep so fast, you are not sincere.” Grandma quibbled like a child” I didn’t sleep.”  Grandpa shook his head helpless and continued to read the poems, but grandma was asleep again few minutes later, and leaned on grandpa’s shoulder. I can’t help laughing, but grandpa forbad me to do that. Grandpa continued to read poems for grandma. I didn’t remember what grandpa read about, I can only remember the sunshine was good and warm. I can feel it is soft and moving to see grandpa and grandma.It’s difficult to explain the love of time my grandparents were young. Romantic stories didn’t exit at that time, parents and matchmaker decided the couple. Grandma of 17 years old got married with grandpa of 27 years old by the matchmaker. It’s difficult to describe the situation of grandparents’ love, it’s insipid as if they aren’t young before. But it’s all of the marriage, a solemn pledge of love and ups and downs will be insipid during the marriage. Every kind of love will become kinship. Grandma of 17 years old married with grandpa of 27 years old in mad. Grandpa always forgives grandma.Grandparents lean and chat with each other in sunset, their faces sparkle like sunshine when I am writing the story. I don’t know why my eyes are wet, and I remember a song” I can think the most romantic thing is to get old slowly with you, until we can’t go anywhere, but you treat me as your treasure in your hand…”Jingyi Xu