My grandmother我的奶奶 

1st December 2015  /  life upon life

During my first and second years in primary school, the traffic hadn’t convenient yet, the school was far away from home, I used to rely on a van shuttle to pick up. Due to the school's abacus mental calculation training, we were asked to go to class of the abacus mental calculation at noon on one day at weekend. However, the van didn’t take charge of picking us up, so I had to run to school. When my grandmother knew that, she decided to run with me, and then she was about 50 years old. It was a long way, even now it takes a very long time by bike for me, not to mention walking for my grandmother. The distance equals from Huayijiangnan to Xilu Reservoir, cross a dam, turn to the east and then walk a long way to the east to turn several corners to reach XiLu Central Primary School. I can only remember vaguely that it took us long time walking, making us really tired. Grandmother’s company all the way touched me so much that it has become the power always pushing me forward.

Ni Jie

小学一、二年纪的时候,那时候交通不太便利,学校离家很远,平时是靠一辆面包车接送,由于当时学校开展了珠心算的培训,我们被要求周末的一天的中午去学校上珠心算课,但是,面包车周末却不负责接送,我只得跑去学校,当我奶奶知道这件事之后,她决定陪我一起跑去学校,而当时她已经差不多50岁了。那是一段很长的路,即使是现在我骑着自行车也要花很长的时间,更不用说当时步行的我们了,跟不用想当时已将近50岁的奶奶了,那段路相当于现在先从画忆江南跑到西麓水库,再过一道大坝,然后再向东走一段很长的路 再转几个弯才能到达西麓中心小学,现在只依稀记得当时走了很长时间,很累。奶奶的一路陪伴让我很感动,这也成为了我一直向前的动力。
