一刹那的温暖The Warmth In A Moment

25th April 2016  /  life upon life

风轻抚着,微微笼罩着这溢满春光的世界,一切都是静悄悄的,在这春日的午后,一两声鸟鸣构成了春日中悦耳的音符。那时我还小,还会骑着自行车在这阙静的午后在小区闲逛,只是一个人,只是一阵微风,那愈见葱茏的灌木和空气中泥土的芬芳萦绕左右。尤记那天,我发现了一个小小的斜坡,调皮的我一下有了主意,骑着歪歪扭扭的车上了斜坡。闭上眼,除了风声,一切都是静的。我感受着风儿轻擦我的脸颊,任凭车子歪歪扭扭冲下斜坡。一次,两次,我如同一个发现了未知世界的婴儿,一次次重复这略显单调的游戏。已经记不清是多少次,我的车突然撞上了一辆疾驰而过的小汽车,那原本平滑的车门凹进了一块。我吓了一跳,心中满是惹祸后的害怕与担忧。车门开了,一张焦急的面孔撞入我的视线。“要紧吗”急切的声音传入耳中。“嗯,没事。”他却在格外着急,匆匆的告诉了奶奶并送我去了医院。无碍,离别时他留下了电话和姓名。那温暖的笑与关切的话语在我心中久久不能散去。王馨悦The breeze stroked me, slightly hanged over the world of spring, everything was quiet. In the spring afternoon, one or two twitter constituted musical notes in the spring. I was a child then, liked to ride a bike to wander in the plot in a quite afternoon. I was alone with breeze. Around me lingered the increasingly lush shrubs and the fragrance of the earth in the air. I still remember that day when I found a short slope. Naughty me had an idea to ride my crooked bike upon the slope. I closed eyes, it was quiet except the breeze. I felt the breeze dabbing my cheeks, letting the bike upon down the slope for once, twice and more. I repeated this a bit humdrum game again and again, like a baby just finding the unknown world. I couldn't remember how many times, my bike suddenly crashed into a speeding car, a big piece of the ordinarily smooth car door was dented. I was shocked and my heart was full of fear and worry after making trouble. The door of car opened, a worried face got into my sight. “Are you OK?” The urgent sound waves into my ears. “Yes, I’m OK.” But he was very worried, told the grandmother in a hurry and sent me to the hospital. I was alright and he left a phone number and name. The warm smile and voice of concern had been lingering in my heart for long.Xinyue Wang