简单同行的日子Simple Days On The Same Way

25th April 2016  /  life upon life

上次去南京的路上,我碰到了很多温暖的人。我晕车,上了车之后就直接走到了车的最后一排,因为那里好像是旅游大巴上唯一可以开窗户的地方。但当我走到那的时候,那的座位已经被一个女生占了。她说,那一排就让给他们班的同学吧。我有些沉默,但当我说明了我晕车的缘由,那个女生犹豫了一会儿,就让了两个座位给我和我的同学。当时我的心里感受到了来自于陌生人的那种温暖。到了目的地以后,大家就各自散开了。后来因为想给各自的脸上画一些东西,我和一些人都陆陆续续的聚在了一起。有一个同行的女生直接用手给我们抹了相同的国旗样式。我几乎和那里的每一个女生都合了影,也给那些被摧残的男生拍照留了念。他们都是很好的人,与他们不熟的我不知该用什么美好的语言来形容他们,但是那天的我很开心。回来的路上,我把我买的糖分给附近的他们。虽然只是很小很小的东西,但是却拉近了距离。在同行的路上,我们给予对方简单的微笑和简短的陪伴,那样真的很好。张雯杰Last time on my way to Nanjing, I met a lot of warmth. I got carsick so I went directly to the last  row as soon as I went in the bus, for there seemed to be the only place on the tour bus where I could open the window. But when I arrived, the seats there had been occupied by a girl. She asked me to give up the row to her classmates. I was a little silent, but when I explained the reason of my car sickness, that girl hesitated for a moment and finally gave up two seats to my classmate and me. Then I felt the kind of warmth from stranger in my heart. To the destination, everybody just came apart in their respective. Later, because we wanted to draw something on each other’s face, I gradually came together with some of them. A girl on the same way directly smeared the same flag style for us with the hand. I almost took group photo with every girl there and took photo for those spoilt boy. They were all nice guys, even I couldn’t find good words to describe them as I was unfamiliar with them. But I was really happy that day. On my way back, I shared my candies that I bought with those one nearby. Even if it was just a tiny thing, but it closed our distance. On the same way, we gave each other simple smiles and brief company, which was really nice.Wenjie Zhang