Training The Trainers Leadership Roundtable by Dr. Violet Lo in Jiangsu Province Dagang High School 卢雪芬博士在省港中开授领导力圆桌会议

31st March 2017  /  news, highlight, leadership roundtable

On the 30th of March, “Training The Trainers: Leadership Round-table” was held at Jiangsu Province Dagang High School Global Inclusive Leadership Center. Dr Violet Lo, the founder of Global Inclusive Leadership Center, used “the power of love” as an example to bring about the techniques of conducting a leadership round-table—perspective, reflection, evaluation and action. Following this lecture, she then launched seven more lectures for the teachers along with events such as “Sharing the Stories of Love” and “Inclusive Challenge: Life upon Life”.

Source:Zhenjiang Education Bureau 


卢博士以“何为领导力”入手,与参会人员进行了交流互动,让大家领会到“领导力”人才所需要具备的品格,明白自己需要努力的方向。卢博士向大家介绍了开展圆桌会议的方法、技巧, 并以“无私的爱”为例,从观点、反省、评估、行动四个步骤带领大家开展圆桌会议,让大家在实际体验中感受圆桌会议的精髓和方法要领。


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