Math Cafe 2016 (I) sucessfully held in Dagang High 国际容领第一次数学挑战

10th April 2016  /  stem+ studio

On the evening of April 9th, Kevin, Next Gen Fellow initiated and organised the very first Maths Challenge. 18 teams selected from each class in Grade 1 participated in this challenge, where they were given chance to apply the maths and physics knowledge they learned in class to solve real-world problems. After fierce competition, the team from Class 7 won the first place.

Source: Jiangsu Province Dagang High School

4月9日晚,在梦溪楼一楼阶梯教室,我校高一年级举办了Maths Challenge(数学挑战)活动。该活动由高一年级外教Kevin老师(剑桥大学数学博士)发起和组织,来自全年级各班级的18支队伍参加了角逐。同学们利用数学和物理知识,以小组为单位,接受挑战。在活动中,同学们培养了团队意识,将平时所学的数学物理知识大胆实践,发挥聪明才智和想象力攻克难关。最终,来自高一(7)班的同学拔得头筹。


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