男孩与猫A Boy and A Cat

1st December 2015  /  life upon life

我缓缓地走在洒满金色落叶的小径上,沐浴着暖暖的阳光,享受着冬日午后的惬意。远远地,看见一个身影在前面。再走近些,原来是个小男孩正蹲下身子,喂一只流浪小猫。我一下子来了兴趣,仔细观察起来。那男孩大约四五岁,胖胖的小手中握着一根火腿,而小猫正贪婪的吃着,边吃还边喵喵的叫着,眼睛不时望着男孩,似在表示感谢。这只猫黄白相间,瘦的几乎只剩一层皮了,一看就知不是只名贵的猫,男孩或许并不知道这些。只是孩子的天真、善良、同情心让男孩去关心一只流浪猫。或许在当今这追名逐利的社会里,也只有孩子会去关心流浪的小猫吧,和我这样的“闲人”去观察吧。巫津铭I walked slowly in the golden leaves trails, bathed in warm sunshine, and enjoyed a pleasant winter afternoon. In the distance, I saw a figure in front, then walk closer, I just found that a small boy is squatting to feed a stray cat. I came to a sudden interest, and observed carefully. The boy was about four or five years old, he hold a piece of ham with little fat hands, and the cat was eating greedily, mewing while eating, and looking at the boy in gratitude from time to time. The cat, yellow and white, was very thin, almost only a layer of skin, obviously not a precious cat, but the boy may not know these. There are only the child's innocence, kindness and compassion for the boy to care about a stray cat. Perhaps in the today's society of fame, only children will take care of stray cats, and someone like me "idlers" will observe those.Jinming Wu