胜败的回忆 The memory of victory or defeat

30th May 2016  /  life upon life

两度参加‘Maths Challenge',短短数周,竟也有别样心绪。起初只因好奇报了名,得知内容后不禁吃了一惊,实践操作中运用知识,这么多年来的学习好像从未尝试过。但既然参加就不要后悔,没把握赢,也要比下去。六人组的团队合作,整个礼堂都闹哄哄的,一向不爱集体活动的我也在这氛围中热血起来,多年来失去的那份激情重新在血液中觉醒。虽然准备的还是不充分,但我们组每个成员都积极思考,脱离了课堂和考试的硬性限制,思绪飘到从未触及的远方。书面的解答题难不倒我们,实际的桥体设计我们也全力以赴。当一个个硬币落入桥上的水杯,水波微振中暗含着我们的心跳。输了,但无悔,努力过,就没有遗憾。第二次,吃一堑长一智的我们在答题部分就遥遥领先,心中的喜悦不因唾手可得的胜利,只为挑战过程中的点点滴滴。唯一的缺陷是塔的构造,不得不承认,我们班的另一只队伍在这方面胜我们一筹。但我们夺得了第一,或许因此,内心有份愧疚,倒有点胜之不武的感觉。其实,赢,没那么重要,能参加这样的活动本身就以不易,能获胜自是最好,但享受这过程不更有意义吗?两次经历,有失败,有成功,胜败不过一瞬浮云,更重要的是,脑海里,珍贵的回忆一直铭记。I took part in maths challenge twice. At first i was curious to participate. But i was shocked when i knew the content. It needs many knowledge which i didn't try to practice. But i decided to do and no regret.A team of six students and the hall was noisy. I was active even i was silent before. We were active to think a lot, then our thinking flied far away where we didn't touch when there was no limit, even we didn't prepare well.It was easy for us to resolve maths questions, and we tried our best to build a bridge. Water wave contained our heartbeat when one by one coin was put into water on the bridge. Fail but no regret. Strive but no regret. The second time, we leared from last time and we leaded in the first part of the activity. We were happy, but not only because of extreme ease of victory but the process. The only defect was the structure of the bridge. I have to say the other team's bridge was better than ours, but finally we got No.1. I felt a little sorry. In fact, winning doesn't matter. It's not easy to take part in the activity. Success is good, but is it meaningful to enjoy the process?Two experiences, one victory and one defeat. Victory or defeat is just in  flash, but the most important thing is precious memory in our mind.韦康 Kang WeiRomin