我们都一样,年轻又热血 we are all young and warm blooded

30th May 2016  /  life upon life

我已经参加了两次数学挑战,第一次和同学们一起,夺得了第一名,第二次以一分之差与第一失之交臂,值得一提的是,我们班每次挑战都会派出两支队伍,最后包揽第一第二。不得不说,高一七班是一个非常积极向上,充满朝气与热血的班级。每次参加挑战,我们都会认真对待,尽自己最大的努力,注重团队的合作,最终总会获得不俗的成绩。通过两次的数学挑战,让我收获了太多太多,真挚的友谊,团队的意义,合作的重要性,这必将成为我人生中不可多得的财富。我们都一样,年轻又热血!何雨晨I have taken math challenge twice. The first time my classmates and I got No.1, and the second time we got No.2 loss of 1 point. It is worth mentioning that my class would pick up two teams to participate, and finally  we alwayls got No.1 and No.2.  I have to say Grade 1 Class 7 is a positive and full of warm blood. We tried our best seriously each time, and we emphasize teamwork, finally we got good result. During two math challenges, I learn a lot: sincere friendship, the meaning of team and the importance of cooperation, these will be my precious treasure.We are all the same, young and warm blooded.Yuchen He