My feeling to participate in "Maths challenge" 参“Maths challenge"有感

30th May 2016  /  life upon life, significant story

I took part in "Math Challenge" by Kevin in August. I didn't want to join at first, but my friend invited me to do, then I agreed so as to make a good friend. My classmates and I went to the challenge that night. Kevin asked us to answer a math question and build a tower, which needed knowledge and to practice. We worked together and we finished them in time. Our tower was the highest among twelve towers. How great and beautiful it was! Even we tried our best, we lost and were sad. It was very hard to success. But I believe I will be succeed in the future. It's my feeling. Thanks.

魏殷鹏 Yinpeng Wei

余尝于丁丑年四月参Kevin所兴之“Maths challenge"。初,余本无意于此,不料竟要于友人。余度之:若余往,一来显与外邦之谊,而来修己身以养性。实乃绝妙之机也!遂应之。是日晚,余与同班诸君子往赴约。先生使余众等修一纸塔兼答数学题。学、习兼考,所谓“好学近乎知,力行近乎仁。”亦是矣哉!余与同伴诸君子立地躬行,丝毫不离贰。卒以时交作。放眼纸塔十二座,惟吾班所修之最为高挺。壮哉!美哉!虽有阿芙洛狄忒徘徊于艾奥尼亚式之柱廊亦不过如此耳!然天有不测风云。余虽尽心矣,卒名落孙山,痛心焉耳矣。噫嘘唏!技冠群雄之难,难于上青天!闲云潭影自悠悠,物换星移几度秋!来年他日余必领风骚!余乃草野之无闻者,妄发刍议,万望勿笑,余不胜感激!