我的妈妈 My mom

1st December 2015  /  life upon life

我的妈妈,是一个口是心非的人。“你去学校要好好学习知道吗,一定要努力,要是考得不好,看我怎么收拾你。如果忙,就不要给家里打电话了,有空的话,妈妈回去看你的。”这个一边收拾衣物,一边唠唠叨叨的女人,就是我的妈妈。去了学校后,实在耐不住想念。“妈,你想我了吗?”我隔着电话询问者那头。“我才不想你呢。”调皮的妈妈笑了。有一点淡淡的失落。却没有料到,第二天中午便看见她站在食堂门口翘首以盼。真的是口是心非。又是一天。“喂,妈,你睡了吗。”语气淡淡的,不想让她察觉自己的悲伤。“没呢,刚把妹妹哄睡觉。怎么啦?”声音还是那么的温柔,像是一泓春水,抚过我的心头。终于,“哇——”我哭了出来“别哭了,别哭了,怎么了啊?和妈妈说说,别哭了。”她有点焦急。“妈妈,我没考好怎么办,妈妈对不起啊。”愧疚的滋味很难受。感觉自己一塌糊涂的成绩辜负了妈妈。“没事的,考不好就考不好吧,自己努力就好了啊,别太难过,我们再想点办法就好了啊。”她故作轻松的姿态,让我破涕而笑。说好会收拾我的呢,果然是口是心非。可我就是那么爱着我的妈妈,爱她的口是心非。毛艺玲My mom is dishonest.“Remember to study hard in school. Try it to see how I can fix you up if you dare doing poorly in exams. Don’t call back if you’re busy, I will come to see you when you are free.” The woman who kept nagging while packing up my luggage is my mom.Being there at school ,I couldn’t help missing home.“Mom, do you miss me?” I asked her over the phone.“Nope, not at all.” mom answered with giggling.I felt a little upset.But I didn’t expect that she would appear at noon the next day. Standing there in front of the canteen door, she was waiting for me eagerly. How dishonest she was.Another day.“Hi, mom, are you asleep?” I asked in a light tone, trying to hide my sorrow from her.“Not yet, I just get your younger sister to sleep. But what’s the matter?” Her voice was so gentle, like a spring that flowing into my heart.Finally I cried out.“Don’t cry , don’t cry. What’s the matter? Talk it out to mom, don’t cry please.” she was anxious.“Mom, I have done poorly in exams ,sorry.” The guilty in my heart tortured me hardly since I failed to live up to my mom’s expectation.“It’s okay, my dear. It doesn’t matter as long as you have tried your best . Don’t be too sad, we can think out many other ways to figure it out.” she intended to be easy, which stopped my tears and made me smile again. Had you forgotten to fix me up? How dishonest she was.But I do love my mom, and love her being dishonest.Yiling Mao