让座A seat

2nd December 2015  /  life upon life

我对于一些不相干、不重要的事,很容易忘记,唯独那一件事,令我印象深刻。那天,我从家出发,乘车去医院看望因阑尾炎而住院的爷爷。因是周末,车上的人很多。由于我上车的站点离起始站很近,所以上车时还有座位。没过几站,车上的座位就陆陆续续地坐满了。又到一站,这站上车的人很多。有一对父子随着人流上了车。父亲年过五十,儿子眉清目秀,二十五六岁的样子。一位年轻女子看到父亲,便站起来让座。父亲带着歉意笑了笑,委婉地拒绝了。那女子的脸一下子涨红了,尴尬地站在那里,不知所措。她沉默一阵子后,还是红着脸坚持要让座。那位父亲最终还是坐了下来,儿子站在旁边,看着父亲坐了下去,皱了皱眉头,却未曾说一句。路不是很平,一路上很颠簸,我看到那位父亲面容有些扭曲,似是在忍受极大的痛苦,我心里不禁暗自庆幸他好在坐下来了,不然会更痛苦。车到了医院那一站,我下了车。站台上,我又看到了那对父子,听到了儿子责备父亲的声音:“你臀部有伤,怎么能坐呢?”“人家姑娘好心好意地让座,我要是不坐,她不是很尴尬……”后面的对话我未曾听到,但那位父亲的善意,却让我感动。张欣怡I can easily forget irrelevant and unimportant things, but there is only one thing  I keep in my mind for so long.On that day, I went to see my grandfather who was recovering in hospital after an operation for appendicitis.I decided to take a bus. Since it was Saturday, it would be very crowded on the bus.But the bus stop where I got on the bus was very close to the starting point, so I had a seat.Then the bus was full of people after a few stops as I expected.There was a father and a son in the crowd. The father was at his 50s and his son was about 25 or 26 with a good look.A young girl saw the father and wanted to give the seat to him. He said "No" with a smile. She blushed with an embarrassed look and didn't know what to do. After a short silence she still insisted.Finally he sat down.His son standing beside him was frowning and didn't say a word.The bus was bumpy all the way.I could see that the father's face was contorted with great pain.I was glad that he was sitting.But I was wrong.When I got off the bus, I overheard his son asking him reproachfully:'You are suffering a hip injury, why did you sit down?" "If I hadn't, I would have made that kind girl very embarrased......"I didn't hear the end of their conversation, but I was so moved by his kindness and undertanding for others.Zhang Xinyi