感动 Moving

2nd December 2015  /  life upon life

翻书的时候,一片银杏叶悄然滑落。我弯腰,拾起,惊觉这是初中毕业时同桌送给我的,背面上写着“珍重,朋友!”不记得当时是否有种想哭的冲动,只是现在,枯黄的叶片上早已是滴滴泪痕。想起,这世上还有一种心情叫感动。  很长一段时间,我似乎已经忘了感动的滋味,是我心已冷漠,还是我的心被一些无关紧要的东西充斥得没有了空间?曾有朋友写给我这样一句话:“我们之所以会擦肩而过,不是因为无缘,而是我们的生活中少了两个字——感动。”的确,我们的心因此不再敏感,我们不再用心收藏起身边的一丝一毫感动,只有当我们错过它,再回首时,才发现原来我们真的失去了很多。总有人抱怨这世上可感动的事情越来越少。可是,只要我们静下心来想一想,你就会发现,其实感动无时不在,无处不在。读书累了,父母为我们削个苹果,是感动;口渴了,朋友帮你打回一杯水,是感动;沮丧时,得到一句宽慰的话,是感动;高兴时,有朋友与你一起分享快乐,是感动;平凡的日子,收到一份小小的祝福,哪怕只是一片花瓣,一片树叶,也是感动……人啊,每天被多少平凡的事情感动着!或许,有时正是由于它们的平凡才让我们视而不见。有这样一句话:“人之所以会感动,是因为他生活在爱之中。”红尘有爱,人间有情,我们又有什么理由要让庸碌蒙住我们的眼睛而无法感受感动的滋味呢?感动是什么?一千个人有一千种答案。但,无论是谁,都无法对一个毫无感情的人说出感动究竟是什么。因为感动不是用嘴说出来的,而是用心品出来的。朱文宣When I opened a book, a piece of ginkgo leaf slipped off. I bent down and picked up, then realized it was a present from my deskmate when we graduated from middle school, written on the back "take good care, friend!" I didn’t remember whether I wanted to cry when we graduated, now the yellow leaf was full of tears. I realized there was a motion called moved. For a long time, I seemed to have forgotten what is moved, is my heart cold, or my heart is full of something irrelevant? Once a friend wrote to me: "we will miss, it’s not because of destiny, but lack of moving.” Indeed, our hearts are no longer sensitive. We no longer pay attention to collect moved things happened around us. We will realize we lost a lot if we miss it and look back. Someone complains that there are too little touched things in the world. But, we will find there are many touched things everywhere as long as we stop to think. Our parents pare an apple for us is moved when we are tired of reading, our friend prepare a cup of water for us is moved when we are thirst, a consolation is moved when we are depressed, a friend can share happiness with you is moved when you are happy, received blessing on usual day is moved, even it’s just a piece of petal, a leaf and so on. Each one is touched by many usual things. Sometimes we ignore them because of their normal. There is a sentence:” people will be touched, because he lives with love.” There is love in the world, why our eyes are covered to be moved? What is moving? One thousand people have one thousand kinds of answer. But, no matter who can't explain what is love to a no-love person. Because moving is not explained by the mouth, but by the heart to feel.Wenxuan Zhu