感动 Get Moved

2nd December 2015  /  life upon life

记得高二上学期快要放寒假了,将近半个多月没有看到太阳的影子了,天气一直阴冷,时常还下点雨夹雪,还要再上五天的课才能放假,教室里时不时传来咳嗽声,还有的无精打采地趴在桌上,看来很多同学都是带病上课了。每次走进教室,听到同学们的咳嗽声,我总忘不了提醒学生要注意防寒,防感冒。其实这几天我也有点发烧。就在放假前的最后一天,我高烧到39.5℃,,那天上午还有三节课,真是难受的要命。终于快要放学了,我提前结束了新课,留了几分钟让学生自习。中午放学后,我没吃午饭直接来到校医务室,这时的我已是冷得全身发抖了,在打点滴时我一边烤火,一边打盹。这时突然传来一个熟悉的声音,有人在冲着我叫老师好。他就是我的学生——徐某,他是来还医务室的医疗费的,昨天打完针,今天已基本痊愈了,看到我刚才还在上课,怎么下课后就来打点滴了。于是和我聊起来,说要陪我一阵子。从谈话中我知道他已打过三天的点滴才好的,我说我昨天下午也来打过一针,没有效果。他说他昨天下午也在这打针,怎么没看到我呢?我说是下午三点后,他说是三点前就结束了。就这么巧错过了。聊了一会儿我让他不用陪我,还是早点回去吧,他最后还是听了我的话,离开了医务室。大约中午一点钟,他又来到医务室来看我,手里还端着一碗热气腾腾的馄炖。看到这场景,医务室的医生和病友们都被这个学生的举动给打动了,还说从没见过有这么好的学生,能主动买一碗馄炖给老师吃,真是难得。这时我也真得被我的学生感动了。假如是他生病了,我买一碗馄炖给他吃,我觉得这很正常。但眼前这一幕,让我真是深记在心。吃了这碗热馄炖后,我浑身出汗,顿时感觉病好多了,这时医生也说感冒出了汗就会好。真得要谢谢这碗热馄炖,谢谢这位同学。从这件事情我发现,老师平时在教室的一言一行,还是会被学生记在心里。老师的付出,学生也记在心里。只要我们老师真心对学生,学生也会真心对老师,学生就会从心里尊重老师,爱戴老师。魏俊Remember when winter vacation was coming soon in the sophomore year of high school, we didn’t see the sun for almost more than half a month. The weather was always cloudy and cold, sometimes snowy and rainy. We would not start our holiday until finishing all lessons in the last 5 days. At that moment coughs came out from time to time in the classroom, and some students were listlessly prone on the table. It was likely that many students were in class and were ill. Every time I walked into the classroom, students’ coughs always made me remind students to keep warm, as a precaution to fever. Actually, on those days even I got a slight fever. On the last day before the holiday, my fever reached 39.5 ℃ and felt so bad but I had three pending lessons in the morning. Finally when the class was nearly over, I finished the lesson in advance and kept a few balanced minutes to let the students self-study. At noon after school, I went directly to the school clinic without lunch. At that time, I was trembling with cold and set up a fire to keep myself warm. Suddenly there came a familiar voice, greeting me. The person was my student, Mr. Xu, who was recovering that day after having injections the day before and came to the clinic to pay his medical bill.Confused by the reason why I was In the clinic for injection now but was in the class a moment ago, he chatted with me and kept me company for a while. From our conversation, I knew that he felt better after 3-days on an intravenous drip. I told him that I had one injection yesterday afternoon but there was no positive effect. He said he also had this injection yesterday afternoon but wondered why he didn't see me. I said mine was at three o 'clock in the afternoon and he said he was over before three o 'clock. After a while chatting, I asked him to go home early and he finally followed my advice to leave the clinic.  At about one pm, Mr. Xu came to the infirmary to look after me again with a bowl of steaming dumplings. The clinic doctors and patients were struck by his behavior and said that they had never seen a student as good as him , buying a bowl of dumplings for his teacher. It was really rare. At that moment I was really moved by Xu. –my student. If he was ill, I would bring a bowl of dumplings for him to eat and I would think this is normal. But the scene in the front impressed me so deep in the heart. After eating a bowl of hot dumplings, I immediately started sweating and felt much better. The doctor also said to me that sweating was good after a cold. Thank you for the bowl of hot dumplings, thanks student. I found from this thing that the teacher's behaviors in the classroom at ordinary times will be kept in students’ minds. The teacher's pains will also live in the students’ mind. As long as our teachers treat the students well and sincerely, students will be sincere to the teacher and respect the teachers from the heart, love them.WEI JUN