如阳光般温暖Warm like sunshine

22nd April 2016  /  life upon life

那是一次长途跋涉的旅途。我坐在颠簸的汽车上左摇右晃。璀璨的阳光透过玻璃直照在人身上,即使闭上眼睛也能感受到如刺的光芒。好生不舒服!我挪了挪位置,倚在母亲身上闭目休憩。“怎么了?”母亲的声音从上方传来。我抬头看她,懒洋洋地又像是撒娇一般应道:“热~”接着便倒在她的身上。母亲没有再应我。“啪!”的一声,一个东西突然罩在我的脸上,遮住了所有阳光,凉爽的感觉顿时弥漫开来。我睁开眼,通过缝隙间看见母亲一边和周围人聊天,一边用帽子替我遮阳。阳光不再刺眼,温暖而炽热的感觉却溢满全身。听着母亲和煦的音色从肩上的骨骼传到我的耳畔,这么动听,如天籁。记忆随时光倒流到从前。犹记得小时候的夏天,家里不开空调,所以我整晚整晚的喊热。那时外祖母常常一边看电视一边替我扇风。有时半夜被热醒后哼两声,便会有风从枕旁传来。每一次每一夜都是这样。不是不心疼他们,可我总是舍不得,舍不得打破这美好。每个人生下来就是被爱着的。被生你的母亲爱着,被养你的亲人爱着。他们用不同的方式阐述同一种感情,让你感动,使你被爱。朱倪婕It was a long travel.I waged myself from side to side on bus. Dazzling sunshine shone on us, you could feel sting light even you closed your eyes. I was uncomfortable. I moved a bit and slept leaning on my mom. “What’s wrong with you?” my mom asked. I looked up and answered in voice of relaxing and peevish” It’s hot.” Then I leaned on her. My mom didn’t answer. “Bang” Something covered my face and protected from sunshine. I felt cool soon. I opened my eyes and saw my mom was keeping sunshine off me using hat whiling talking with others. Sunshine was not dazzling, but I felt warm. The voice of my mom liked sounds of nature, it was beautiful.It reminded me things happened before. I remembered the summer when I was young, we were not on air-conditioning, and I was hot the whole night. My grandma fanned me whiling watching TV. Sometimes I was so hot and waked up, I could feel wind from her. Every night was the same. It didn’t mean I didn’t care for them, but I didn’t grudge the goodliness.Everyone is loved by others since he is born. You are loved by you mom or your relatives. They moved you in different methods.Nijie Zhu