永远的第一Forever number one

23rd April 2016  /  life upon life

那是去年的运动会。我的一个同学参加了。我没有想到她会参加。她是一个十分瘦的人。对于她的参加我很惊讶。然而更加出乎大家意料的是,她居然报了1500米。大家都很怀疑,她到底能不能跑完全程。比赛刚开始时,她不负众望的跑到了队伍的最前端,带领着身后的一群人跑。大家都为她拍手叫好。然而随着时间的推移,她渐渐的累了,一点一点的到了队伍最后。大家为她着急。在千钧一发之际,她居然倒了下来,大概是因为体力不支。加油,继续跑!加油,站起来!大家一声一声的为她助威。终于,在大家的鼓励之下,她站了起来,并一鼓作气的到了终点。虽然她不是第一,但在我们心中,她的坚强勇敢永远是第一!陈康怡It was last sports meeting, one of my classmates participated.I didn’t think she would participate. She was very thin, and I was surprised by her attend.But which made us shocked was she participated in running 1500 meters. Every one doubled if she could finish it.At the beginning, she ran at the top of them. She leaded the group. Every one applauded her.But she was tired gradually and she slipped to the last of the group. Every one worried about her. Suddenly, she fell down, maybe she was too tired.Fighting, keep running! Fighting, stand up! We fought for her.Finally, she stood up, continued to run and arrived at the terminal line.Even she was not number one, but her braveness and strength was number one in our heart.Kangyi Chen