爱的故事love story

23rd April 2016  /  life upon life

这是我从网上看来的。30年前的一天,唐山发生了惨绝人寰的大地震,一位正在织毛衣的母亲和她那在摇篮里甜甜睡着的孩子埋在了废墟之中.万幸的是,母子都没有受伤.母亲把孩子紧紧抱在怀里,等待着救援.两天过去了,孩子吃尽了母亲最后的两滴奶水,哭声渐渐衰弱.黑暗中绝望的母亲摸到一根织衣针,心中一阵狂喜:我的孩子有救了.一瞬间,这位平凡的母亲作出了人世间最伟大的抉择,她要用自己的血来哺育自己的孩子.她用织衣针刺破自己的手指,让孩子吸吮自己的鲜血活下去.在无水无物无光无法活动的艰难困境中,这位母亲的生命几尽枯竭,可她知道她不能死,一旦死去,血液就不再流动,她的孩子也将死去.一周过去了,当救援人员寻着孩子的哭声扒开废墟时,都被眼前的一幕惊呆了:生命枯竭的母亲看到自己的孩子获救后,才安详地闭上了眼睛,她脸色苍白,每个手指上都扎了一个血孔.当医护人员抱起孩子的时候,老天突然下起了大雨,人们说是这位伟大的母亲感动的老天都落下了泪.事后,医生们百思不得其解,一个人无吃无喝、鲜血流尽却活了七天,这正是伟大的母爱力量之所在.这位母亲创造了生命的奇迹,她更为人世间谱写了一曲动人的母爱乐章.正因为她把孩子的生命看得比自己的生命宝贵,把生的机会留给了孩子,才用自己的最后一滴血延续着孩子的生命.写到这里,我不由得想到,我们歌颂母爱,是为了爱母,热爱父母,孝敬父母.在我们的人生中,父母陪伴着我们,直到他们老去,生活中父母的爱永远大于 爱父母,我相信我们更会在 父母有生之年 去更加孝敬他们,陪伴他们,让他们度过欢乐的晚年!魏纪鸣This is a story I read on the internet. There was an extremely cruel earthquake in Tangshan 30 years ago. A woman who was knitting a sweater and a baby were buried under the ruins. The mother and the baby didn’t hurt luckily, and the mother held the baby tightly to wait to rescue.  The baby ate up milk two days later, the voice of crying got more and more weak. The mother touched a needle in the dark, and she thought her baby can be saved. The ordinary mother did the greatest choice in the world, she pierced her fingers in the needle and fed her baby. The mother almost died in the surrounding where was no water, no light, no other things and couldn’t move. But she couldn’t. Her blood would stop flowing if she died. One week later, the rescue workers found them according to the baby’s crying and shocked: the mother closed her eyes after her baby was rescued, her face was pale and every finger was pierced. There was a heavy rain when the doctor raised the baby, people said the heaven was moved by the mother. People didn’t understand why she can live for seven days no food, no water and blood flowed up. It’s because of the love of mother. She made a miracle, and she sang a song of great love. She treated her baby’s live more important than hers, that’s why she can feed her baby using her blood. This remind me the reason that we sing the praises of mother’s love is to love and filial to parents. Our parents are with us during our whole life until they die. The love of parents is greater than to love parents. I believe we will love and filial to our parents when they are alive, and give a better life.Jiming Wei