
1st December 2015  /  life upon life

最近读完了朴瑾惠自传《绝望锻炼了我》。从开学就参加了学校的“容领挑战”系列活动。分享爱的故事,朴槿惠的当之无愧。朴瑾惠,父亲是韩国总理,出生在这样的家庭中,天赐幸福。居住在青瓦台中,有着无忧无虑的童年,可好景不长。一次活动,父亲躲过一劫,母亲不幸被刺杀身亡。所谓“国不可一日无母”,小小年纪的她便替母亲担任了国母一职。学习礼仪、各种知识等,每天生活被安排的满满的,这像座座大山压在她身上、使她快喘不过气来。没几年,父亲在一次活动中也遭刺杀身亡。由于怕被父亲生前的仇家报复,朴瑾惠带着弟弟妹妹搬出了青瓦台,开始隐姓埋名。自此,朴瑾惠从基层工作干起,一步步被韩国民众所认识、熟知、接受和信服。一次竞选拉票中,朴瑾惠正准备进行演讲,刺客从后方拿小刀划过她的颈部。刺客被拿下后,朴瑾惠感到脖子阵阵疼痛、寒冷,她并没有过多在意,直到演讲结束,方才让人送去医院。事后检查结果:小刀差点割到颈部动脉,否则一命休矣。她自己也调侃道:“我是死过的人了。”可能也是这个原因,朴瑾惠曾说过她终生不嫁。我想,她早已经嫁人了。幼年起,她便和这个国家紧紧联系在一起。她,嫁给了这个国家。朴瑾惠可谓经历坎坷,但她充满希望、充满爱,并不断把希望与爱传递给他人、影响身边的人。我们每个人肯定都心怀希望、都充满爱,当我们想要放弃时,这便是我们坚持下去的理由。而这些担起了一部分压力,使苦难不会成为压倒我们的最后一根稻草。从感恩、从成功到回馈社会,从领略、从感动到分享爱!邱晨迪Facing up to ChallengesI has recently finished the Park Geun-hye autobiography" The Exercise of My Despair." I have taken part in the series of activities of “Facing up to Challenges” since the beginning of the semester. Park Geun-hye’s tale is worthy to share as a story of love. Park Geun-hye, whose father was the president of South Korean, was born in such a family, that had been god-given happiness to her. She lived in the Blue House, had a carefree childhood, but not for long. Her father dodged a bullet in an event, but her mother was unfortunately assassinated. It’s so-called without mother a country can go by not a day, so she served as the mother of nation at an early age for her mother. She had to learn etiquette and kinds of knowledge. Her daily life was filled with the tight schedule that made her almost out of breath, just like mountains above her. In just a few years, her father had also been assassinated in an event. For fear of being revenged by her father’s enemy before his death, she moved out of the Blue House with her brother and sister, began to live in shadow. Since then, starting with grass-roots work, she has been known, acquainted, accepted and convinced by South Korea people. In an  election campaign, Park Geun-hye is going to make a speech,  then a assassin scratched across her neck with a knife from the back. After the assassin was caught, Park Geun-hye felt acute pain and chill on the neck that she didn’t care much. It was not until the end of the speech, she let someone send her to the hospital. Post-mortem results showed that the knife almost cut into the neck artery, otherwise she had died already. She quipped:“ I am a person who has died.”It may be the reason why she said she will remain unmarried all her life. I think she has already been married. Since childhood, she has been linked tightly together with this country. She did marry the country. Park geun-hye has indeed experienced frustrations and misfortunes, but she is full of hope and love, constantly passes them to others and affects the people around. Each of us must be filled with hope and love for that we keep holding on whenever we want to give up. Then those will shoulder a part of the pressure, and make the suffering not become the final straw overwhelming us. From Thanksgiving, from success to giving back to society, from tasting, from touching to sharing love!Chendi Qiu