亲情Family ties

23rd April 2016  /  life upon life

我的家中在几年前新进了一名成员,他现在四岁,我与他有着十三岁的年龄差距,有时候他在我面前我觉得他是那么的可爱,他特别喜欢朝我笑,脸上带着酒窝,现在的我,正值重要的高中时期,每两个星期我才能够回家待一天,每次回到家中,他全都笑着朝我扑来,特别开心的喊着:哥哥,你回来啦!你去哪里了呢?怎么这么长时间没见到你啊。”每次我都会不厌其烦的告诉他:“我去上学了。”而他却会很认真的告诉我:“我长大以后也要去上学。”当我问及他原因时,他告诉我这样他就能让我陪着他了。有时候的他尽管比较调皮,特别爱动,但是他永远能在我不开心的时候,以他特有的方式来逗笑我。我爱你。杨鑫A new member has come into my family years ago, who is four years old now, and thirteen years younger than me. He was so cute. He always smiles at me, with dimples on his cheek. Being in the most important period of high school, I can only go home for one day every two weeks. But each time I come back he will run to me with laughter and yell: “ wow! You are back! Where have you been? I haven’t seen you for a long time.” And every time I will tell him patiently: “ I have been at school.” Then he often replies in a serious tone: “ I want to go to school when I grow older.” I asked him why, he said only in this way can I accompany him. Sometime he may be naughty and moves a lot though, he can make me laugh from time to time in his particular way. I love you, my little brother.Xin Yang